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Logo with the words CAS SPOTLIGHT filled in with various images of students

Welcome to the June 2024 issue of the digital magazine of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas! Our hope is that this magazine will provide you, a member of the large network of CAS alumni and friends, with useful information and insights about what's going on in the college. Your engagement is important to us, as we seek to provide an outstanding liberal arts education grounded in the values of the Catholic intellectual tradition that leads students to rewarding careers and a life of purpose and meaning.

A Message from Dean Bill Tolman

Photo of Dean Bill Tolman

This issue of Spotlight appears as we bring the 2023-24 academic year to a close with a sense of pride in the accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and students, as well as great excitement about plans for the future. Looking back, the opening of the Schoenecker Center stands out, and we celebrated it through numerous events, initiation of several new interdisciplinary projects (highlighted in this issue), and installations of exciting new works of art. Here's some of what I said about the building at the dedication on May 8:

“A key idea underpinning the design and purpose of this building is to connect art and science and engineering in the minds of our students and bring a truly interdisciplinary liberal arts education to life. Through connecting art and science and engineering, we hope to inspire creativity and innovation in our faculty and students.

The sculpture in the center of the atrium embodies the building’s foundational ideals. Called “Portal Icosahedron,” it was commissioned by the world-renowned artist Anthony James and purchased through the generosity of John P. Monahan ‘73. When considering what we needed in this atrium, the entryway to the building, we thought that it should speak to the harmony of science, engineering, art, and mathematics in a way that was startling; we needed something that evoked a profound and deep sense of wonder; something that was unique and distinctive; something that related this building to this place in Minnesota and to the values that underpin what we do at this university. And we wanted something which would help make this spot a well-known meeting place that would stimulate collaboration and buttress what President Vischer has so strongly argued for, our culture of encounter that brings us together for the common good. This piece does all of these things.

There are so many aspects of this work that make it such a fitting centerpiece in the Schoenecker Center. Perhaps the most stunning thing about it is the way it extends inward through reflections of its high symmetry to appear infinite, giving it a mystical, even spiritual and transcendental dimension. As suggested by the name of the piece, it appears as a door, a portal, into the enormity of the infinite universe. This spiritual component is especially fitting, as one could argue that this is the foundational connector that fully brings art and science and engineering into harmony. That harmony and interconnection is encountered by students and faculty and staff in this building every day. It inspires creativity, innovation, and a sense of wonder and curiosity. It embodies what we seek as a college of arts and sciences and as a university.”

As we continue to look forward to what the Schoenecker Center will bring to the wholistic education of our students, we are similarly excited by upcoming events and initiatives that address the issues of today through a unique liberal arts educational lens. One of particular note is the visit of world-famous author Colum McCann on September 24, who will speak on “Peacemaking, Grieving, and Storytelling” at a lecture open to the public that evening. Please register here! You can find more current and future events here on the CAS website, and via our social media channels: Instagram, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Bill Tolman
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Students walk toward the doors of Schoenecker Center

Schoenecker Center Opens Its Doors

Every inch of the state-of-the-art STEAM complex was built to inspire questions, breaking down barriers to interdisciplinary learning and preparing tomorrow's graduates to work across fields and disciplines.

Read the full story!

Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Teaching

The College of Arts and Sciences has several interdisciplinary projects underway in the Schoenecker Center. In addition to those detailed below, we are excited about collaborations between Emerging Media and Music, and between Biology, Chemistry, and Emerging Media.

A students plays a trumpet in the chapel while classmates study the acoustics

Music and Physics

Our "Musical Acoustics" course, taught by a physics professor and a music professor, is an example of the cross-disciplinary work happening in the Schoenecker Center and across the College of Arts and Sciences. Designed for non-science majors, this course examines the fundamental principles of physics and acoustics as they relate to musical sounds and instruments. The course was recently featured in a Star Tribune article about the rising emphasis on interdisciplinary learning in higher education.

Read the full story!
Dr. Joanna Klein and her students create art in petri dishes

Art History and Microbiology

As part of a series of Agar Art workshops inside the Schoenecker Center, students and faculty are creating living art using pigmented bacteria as their palette and fresh petri dishes as their canvas. “It’s super exciting to be able to combine art and biology,” said Biology major Shaylee Beckfield '25. “It’s great to get students involved with biology, especially if they haven’t worked with bacteria before, just to see that we can do it and use it in a new way.”

Watch the video!
Dr. Steve Cole works with students in the recording studio in the Schoenecker Center

Music: Performance, Production, and Business

Surrounded by the cutting-edge technology of the Schoenecker Center’s new live recording studio, students in Music 480 — the capstone seminar for music business majors — decided to blow up instructor Dr. Steve Cole’s syllabus for the semester and embark on something completely new. Their idea: Establish the university’s first recording label and, in four short months, release their first album. Watch the video or check out music from their first album!

Watch the video!

Video Features: Art in the Schoenecker Center

The Schoenecker Center is home to world-class art in a variety of media. Visitors can experience art throughout the building and view featured shows in the John P. Monahan Gallery.
Detail of the Portal Icosahedron statue featuring glass and light

Anthony James: Portal Icosahedron

Detail of Annie Hejny artwork featuring water and sediment from the Mississippi River

Annie Hejny '12: Giving Water A Voice

Detail of Tia Keobounpheng work featuring colorful geometric shapes

Tia Keobounpheng: Geometry and Belonging

Colum McCann headshot

Save the Date: Colum McCann, Sept. 24th

Join us this fall for an evening with the renowned author, Colum McCann. In his novel Apeirogon, named after a shape with a countably infinite number of sides, he explores the complexities of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The story centers around the true stories of Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan—two fathers, one Palestinian and one Israeli—whose daughters were killed in the conflict. Rami and Bassam were also featured guests of a webinar we hosted in the College this spring, when they spoke of their vision for a path to justice, reconciliation, and peace. We hope you will join us in September. Questions? Email us!

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