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Graduate Student Fellowship

Murphy Scholars

About Murphy Scholars

The Murphy Scholars fellowship program is built upon the pillars of scholarship, development, and community. Murphy Scholars participate in the activities of the Institute and contribute to special projects according to their academic focus and scholarly interest. The program also offers exclusive events for personal, professional, and spiritual development throughout the year.

Additionally, Murphy Scholars have the unique opportunity to be integrated into the community of both the School of Law and Catholic Studies graduate program.


The fellowship provides a $2,000 stipend ($1,000 per semester).


Students enrolled full-time in the JD, MA in Catholic Studies or JD/MA Joint Degree programs are eligible to apply. Students must also be in residence.

Application Process

Applications are now being accepted for the Murphy Scholars program. Students interested in applying should submit the following items electronically (in PDF format):

  • a current C.V;
  • a typed personal essay of no more than 700 words describing the applicant’s interest in the work of the Murphy Institute and commitment to the goals of the Murphy Institute;
  • and two confidential letters of recommendation from an individual who can attest to the applicant's skills, experience, and interest in kind of work done by the Murphy Institute.

All application materials should be submitted to Michelle Rash, Program Manager, at mrash@stthomas.edu. Applications must be submitted by Thursday, September 26 at 5pm for consideration.

Meet Our Murphy Scholars

Law student Paul Befort headshot
Law student Caleb Callanan headshot
Law student Jack Palmer headshot
Isaac Rillo headshot
Gabrielle Temblay headshot
Jared Zimmerman headshot