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Joanna Klein

Assistant Professor


  • Education
  • PhD, Genetics, University of Iowa

    BS, Biology, University of Iowa

  • Expertise
  • Bacterial genetics, antibiotic discovery, biology education research, course-based undergraduate research experiences

  • Research Interests
  • Dr. Klein is a broadly trained bacterial geneticists, whose current research interests center around antibiotic discovery. A collaborator in the Tiny Earth network of instructors since 2014, she incorporates authentic research experiences into all of her courses and mentors students in her undergraduate research lab. Learn more.

It's a Tiny Earth: Incorporating Sustainability in a Microbiology CURE, American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators, Phoenix, AZ, November 2023

It's a Tiny Earth: Stories of Antibiotic Discovery and Student Transformation, American Scientific Affiliation Annual Meeting, Toronto, July 2023

Leveraging a Tiny Earth partnership to Reach Your Research and Scholarship Goals, Tiny Earth Summer Symposium, Madison, WI, June 2023

Advisory Board Member, Luann Dummer Women's Center

Chair, Tiny Earth Science and Discovery Committee

Vice President, American Scientific Affiliation North Star Chapter

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Award for 6-month teaching position in India, 2020, (unable to travel due to COVID)

BIOL 207L Genetics, Ecology and Evolution Lab

BIOL 208L Biological Communication and Energetics Lab

BIOL 256 Microbiology and Health Lecture and Lab

BIOL 398 Biochemistry and Genetics of Pathogens and Their Hosts

BIOL 467 Emerging Infectious Diseases