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Redeeming a Prison Society: A Sacramental and Liturgical Response to Mass Incarceration (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014).        

Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination (New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2011).        


 “Of Tragedies and Myths: Subsidiarity and Common-Pool Resource Institutions in Response to Environmental Degradation,” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 41.1 (Spring/Summer 2021): 37-54.       

 “Repairing the Breach: Faith-Based Community Organizing to Dismantle Mass Incarceration,” Religions 10.42 (January 2019): 1-20.       

 “Restorative and Transformative Justice in a Land of Mass Incarceration,” Journal of Moral Theology 5.2 (June 2016): 22-43.        

“‘I Was in Prison and You Visited Me’: A Sacramental Approach to Rehabilitative and Restorative Criminal Justice,” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31.2 (Fall/Winter 2011): 93-112.        

Book Chapters      

“Reformative Impulses: Christian Theology in the History of U.S. Carceral Institutions and Practices,” in The Business of Incarceration: Theological and Ethical Reflections on the Prison-Industrial Complex, ed. James McCarty, Sarah Farmer, and Justin Bronson Barringer (Eugene, OR: Cascade, forthcoming).       

 “Restorative Justice, the Lex Talionis, and Atonement: Scripture and Tradition on Responding to Harm,” in T & T Clark Handbook of Christian Ethics, ed. Tobias Winright (London: T&T Clark, 2020), 259-268.

2021 Campus Compact Presidents’ Civic Engagement Leadership Award    2017-2019 Faculty Development Distinguished Early Career Grant    2016 Louisville Institute Project Grant