“Baptistries in Marcel Breuer and Associates’ American Catholic Sacred Spaces.” In Water and Sacred Architecture, edited by Anat Geva. London: Routledge Press, 2023.
“The National World War II Museum, New Orleans: An Architectural Interpretation of War.” War and Remembrance: Recollecting and Representing War, edited by Renée Dickason, Delphine Letort, Michel Prum and Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger. McGill University Press, 2022.
“The National World War II Museum, New Orleans: An Architectural Interpretation of War,” War and Remembrance: Recollecting and Representing War (McGill University Press, 2022).
“Sacred Connections Through Concrete: Considering Marcel Breuer’s Saint John’s Abbey Church and Bartholomew Voorsanger’s Chapel at the National World War II Museum,” Faith & Form vol. 51 issue 1 (March 2018): 11-15.
Preserving the Present: The Voorsanger Architects Archive at the University of St. Thomas
Saint John's Abbey Church: Marcel Breuer and the Creation of a Modern Sacred Space. University of Minnesota Press, October 2014.
- Reviews:
- September 2017, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, by Catherine Osborne
- December 2014, ArchNewsNow, by Norman Weinstein
- Author interview with Marginalia Review of Books.
- Nominated for the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award, presented by the Society of Architectural Historians for distinguished scholarship by a North American author in the history of architecture.
“The House as Art.” Exhibit for the Winton Guest House museum on the Gainey campus of St. Thomas. Fall 2011.
“Frank Gehry: From Architect to Icon.” St. Thomas Magazine 27 no. 2 (Spring 2011)
"The Design and Construction of Saint John's Abbey Church, 1953-1961" in Saint John's at 150: This Place called Collegeville (Liturgical Press and Saint John's University Press, 2006).
“Monasticism and Modernity: St. John's Abbey Church and Marcel Breuer." Casabella vol. 67 no. 715 (October 2003): 28-39.
"A. W. N. Pugin's Mount Saint Bernard Abbey: The International Character of England's Nineteenth-Century Monastic Revival" in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, February 2002 (http://www.19thc-artworldwide.org/spring02/85-spring02/spring02article/211-a-w-n-pugins-mount-saint-bernard-abbey-the-international-character-of-englands-nineteenth-century-monastic-revival).
“Gothic Revivals at Keble College.” Nineteenth Century Studies Association Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA, March 2023.
“Marcel Breuer and Sacred Space: From the Bauhaus to Bismarck,” University of Mary Convocation Speaker, September 24, 2021.
“Finding the Sacred in War Museums,” Architectural Humanities Research Association, Dundee, Scotland, November 21-23, 2019
“From a Landscape of War to a Landscape of Peace: The National World War II Museum in New Orleans,” War Memories International Symposium: Celebrations, Reconstructions, Representations and War Narratives in the English-Speaking World, Kingston, Ontario, June 12, 2018.
Session Chair, "Unheard Voices: New Interpretations of Minnesota Landscapes," Society of Architectural Historians, St. Paul, MN, April 2018.
2016-2018: Coordinator of Minnesota entries for Archipedia, developed by the Society of Architectural Historians.
"The National World War II Museum, New Orleans: An Architectural Interpretation of War," Memories: Commemoration, Re-enactment, Writings of War in the English-speaking World (18th-21st centuries), Paris, France, June 16, 2016.
"The National World War II Museum, New Orleans: Creating the Landscape of War," Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 1-4, 2015.
"Shaping Catholic Liturgy in the Mid-Century Concrete Church," Society of Architectural Historians, Buffalo, NY, April 2013.
"How does Monastic Architecture of the Mid-Twentieth Century Reflect Gender?" American Catholic Historical Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 5, 2012.
"Frank Gehry's Domestic Building in New Orleans – Regional Starchitecture?" Louisiana Studies Conference, Natchitoches, LA, September 22, 2012.
"Catholic Monastic Architecture and Gender: Marcel Breuer and the Benedictines of Saint John’s Abbey and Annunciation Priory." Modern Catholic Space conference, London, England, December 9-10, 2011.
"Frank Gehry’s Winton Guest House: Design, Build, and Relocate," Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Meeting, St. Louis, MO, March 31-April 4, 2010.
"Creating Modern Liturgical Space: Breuer and the Benedictines at Saint John’s," Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, April 2007.
- April 2020-2022: President, Society of Architectural Historians
- April 2018-2020: First Vice President, Society of Architectural Historians
- April 2016-2018: Second Vice President, Society of Architectural Historians
- March 2014-present: Ex-officio member of the National Board of the Society of Architectural Historians, Chapters Liaison
- March 2011-2014: Director, National Board of the Society of Architectural Historians
- October 2006-March 2015: Member of the state of Minnesota's Historic Review Board for designation of National Register properties
- July 2005-September 2015: Appointed by Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty to a seat on the Governor's Residence Council. Former secretary of the Council and member of the Greening Initiative.
- 2003-2010: Director and former President, the Board of the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians