About Summit Avenue Review
Welcome to Summit Avenue Review, the student-edited art and literary magazine of the University of St. Thomas.
Summit Avenue Review is designed and edited by University of St. Thomas students, many of whom are current or former students in ENGL 421 & 422, Literary Magazine Practicum.
Work on the magazine begins in the fall, and we publish a new issue every spring semester, generally in late April.
Free copies are available from the English Department, OSF Library lobby, and various other locations on campus.
Submission Guidelines
How to Submit to the Summit Avenue Review
Send all submissions to summitreview@stthomas.edu.
All work is reviewed anonymously, so please remove your name from the document.
If submitting multiple works, do so one at a time. If submitting visual art, make sure your image is of the highest quality--at least 300 DPI.
The submission deadline is February 15, 2024.
Who can submit?
Summit Avenue Review invites literary and visual arts submissions from undergraduates, graduate students, employees, alumni, and other members of the University of St. Thomas community.
Fiction and Poetry
Any fiction or poetry of good quality will be considered.
Works of fiction must be 5000 words or less.
We are looking for literary work that is fresh and distinctive. We want to be surprised and convinced.
We are accepting the following non-fiction genres:
- literary essays
- personal essays
- literary journalism
- reviews
- interviews
We will consider all work of these genres as long as the writing is of notably high quality.
Summit Avenue Review is accepting submissions of comics, photography, sculpture, drawings, paintings, mixed media, etc.
Works of art must lend themselves to photographic reproduction or scanning.
How to Submit to the Summit Avenue Review
Send all submissions to summitreview@stthomas.edu.
All work is reviewed anonymously, so please remove your name from the document.
If submitting multiple works, do so one at a time. If submitting visual art, make sure your image is of the highest quality--at least 300 DPI.
The submission deadline is February 15, 2024.
Who can submit?
Summit Avenue Review invites literary and visual arts submissions from undergraduates, graduate students, employees, alumni, and other members of the University of St. Thomas community.
Fiction and Poetry
Any fiction or poetry of good quality will be considered.
Works of fiction must be 5000 words or less.
We are looking for literary work that is fresh and distinctive. We want to be surprised and convinced.
We are accepting the following non-fiction genres:
- literary essays
- personal essays
- literary journalism
- reviews
- interviews
We will consider all work of these genres as long as the writing is of notably high quality.
Summit Avenue Review is accepting submissions of comics, photography, sculpture, drawings, paintings, mixed media, etc.
Works of art must lend themselves to photographic reproduction or scanning.

Lon Otto Prize in Creative Writing
Lon Otto Prize in Creative Writing
All poetry and prose submissions are automatically entered into our annual contest, the Lon Otto Prize in Creative Writing, named in honor of the founder of the literary magazine and a faculty member in the English Department from 1975-2015. Winners will share a pool of $500 in prizes.

Faculty Advisor, Dr. Matt Batt
Matthew Batt, Associate Professor of English with a specialty in creative writing, is the faculty advisor of Summit Avenue Review and teaches the two-part literary magazine practicum course each academic year.
History of the Summit Ave Review
Students first created the Summit Avenue Review in 1976 as Personea. The next year the name was changed to Summit Avenue Express. The magazine continued to carry that name until 1997, when it was changed to its present name, Summit Avenue Review.
In 1997, the 1996 Summit Avenue Express was selected as the winner for content in the National Writing Program (NWP) Directors' Prizes for Undergraduate Literary Magazines.
Beginning in 2000, production of the magazine went digital.

"The work contained in the Summit Avenue Express, the undergraduate literary journal of the University of St. Thomas, exhibits an exceptional range of stylistic ambition matched by a consistently high level of accomplishment." -NWP Contest Judges