About Telos Living Learning Communities
Telos (τέλος): Greek for "purpose," "end," or "goal."
You are beginning the tough, rewarding work of discovering your purpose, reaching new professional goals, and becoming who God has created you to be.
Our Telos Living Learning Communities align with a range of personal academic plans. They bring students from all majors and minors together to build deep friendship, strong faith, and meaningful careers. No need to be a major or minor in Catholic studies to live in a Telos Living Learning residence hall.
What connects you all is your mutual interest and joy found in exploring the most important questions of life.
While this includes community prayer time and Mass, it is also about dinner conversations full of laughter, fireside chats in Sitzmann Hall, and activities around the Twin Cities.
Dr. John Boyle
Telos Residence Hall Floors for Men or Women
Think seriously about what a fulfilling and successful career looks like after college and experience friendship and faith in the process. Starting out in Dowling Hall’s Telos LLC helps you cover up to five core academic requirements, including the Learning Community requirement within the St. Thomas Core Curriculum. We provide the option for a two-year experience, so you have time to create the sort of friendships that last a lifetime.
Everyone in the Catholic Studies LLC is pursuing strength, intellectual seriousness, moral goodness, friendship, and, at the end of it all, a relationship with God.