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Associate Professor

Jessee, A., Mangelsdorf, S.C., Shigeto, A., & Wong, M.S. (2012). Temperament as a moderator of the effects of parental depressive symptoms on child behavior problems. Social Development, 21, 610-627.

Mangelsdorf, S.C., Laxman, D., & Jessee, A. (2011) Coparenting in Two-Parent Nuclear Families. In J. McHale and K. Lindahl (Eds.) Coparenting: Theory, Research and Clinical Applications, American Psychological Association Press.

Ostler, T., Jessee, A., & Bahar, O.S. (2010). The many faces of depression: Implications for home visits. Zero to Three.

Ostler, T., Bahar, O.S., & Jessee, A. (2010). Mentalization in children exposed to parental methamphetamine abuse: Relations to children's mental health and behavioral outcomes. Attachment & Human Development, 12, 193-207.

Jessee, A., Mangelsdorf, S.C., Brown, G.L., Schoppe-Sullivan, S.J., Shigeto, A., & Wong, M. (2010). Parents' differential susceptibility to the effects of marital quality on sensitivity across the first year. Infant Behavior & Development, 33, 442-452.