Favorites ()

Audra Nuru

Endowed Chair in the Social Sciences
Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Family Studies
Director of Family Studies

Communication Studies
Family Studies

  • Expertise
  • Interpersonal and Family Communication, International and Intercultural Communication

Dr. Nuru is the Endowed Chair in the Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Communication/Family Studies, and Director of Family Studies. Her research and teaching call attention to the ways people communicate to construct identities, make sense of relational difficulty, and navigate periods of transition or contestation.

She has published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including the Human Communication Research, Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, and Communication Studies. Dr. Nuru currently serves on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. She also is a member of the National Communication Association, International Communication Association, and the International Association for Relationship Research.