Selected Publications
“Walking as Resistance to Hypermobility: the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage.” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality, 18.1 (Spring 2018), 1-13.
“Newman’s Idea of a University: Resource for Identity and Inclusion.” Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 31/1 (Winter 2012): 23-37.
“Modesty in the Service of Justice: Retrieving Tradition and Reversing the Gaze.” Horizons 36/2 (Fall 2009): 265-284.
Selected Presentations
“Here Comes Everybody: Liturgical and Paraliturgical Negotiations on the Camino de Santiago,” May 30, 2019, presented at the College Theology Society Annual Convention, South Bend, IN.
“Pilgrimage as Affirmation and Resistance: Communal walking, sacred time, and ecological care for our home places,” June 5, 2016, presented at the College Theology Society Annual Convention, Kansas City, MO.
"Trinity and Interreligious Dialogue: A Response to S. Mark Heim, The Depth of the Riches," June 9, 2006, presented to the Trinitarian Theology group at the Catholic Theological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
"Josiah Royce: Philosopher of Pneumatic Community," May 30, 2003, presented to the Philosophy of Religion group at the College Theology Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee.
"Romans 5:5 and Augustine's Vision of Ecclesial-Trinitarian Life in the Spirit," June 2001, presented to the Historical Theology group at the College Theology Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
University of St. Thomas Faculty Advisor Award, first-year advising, 2018