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(*St. Thomas students)

Lai C, Martinović-Weigelt D, *De Filippo AS, Krämer S, *Poschen C. Extracting Semantics of Predicates From Millions of Bio-Medical Abstracts for Inferencing New Biological Key Events and Relationships. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2021 Dec 9 (pp. 3484-3491). IEEE.

Scholz S et al., The Eco‐Exposome concept: Supporting an integrated assessment of mixtures of environmental chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2022 Jan; 41(1):30-45.

Malev, O, Lovrić, M, Stipaničev, D, Repec, S, Martinović-Weigelt, D, Zanella, D, Ivanković, T, Sindičić Đuretec, V, Barišić J, Li, M, Klobučar, G. Toxicity prediction and effect characterization of 90 pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs measured in plasma of fish from a major European river (Sava, Croatia). Env. Poll. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115162.

He, Y*; Lai, C, Martinović-Weigelt, D; Long, Z. A Pipeline Approach in Identifying Important Input Features from Neural Networks. 2019. 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) eCF Paper Id: 1570530675

McGuire JT, Cozzarelli IM, Bekins BA, Link H*, Martinović-Weigelt D. Toxicity Assessment of Groundwater Contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons at a Well-Characterized, Aged, Crude Oil Release Site. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018: 52, 12172-178.

Martinović-Weigelt D, Mehinto AC, Ankley GT, Berninger JP, Collette TW, Davis JM, Denslow ND, Durhan EJ, Eid E*, Ekman DR, Jensen KM. Derivation and Evaluation of Putative Adverse Outcome Pathways for the Effects of Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors on Reproductive Processes in Female Fish. Tox. Sci. 2017: 156, 344-361

Martinović-Weigelt D, Mehinto AC, Ankley GT, Denslow ND , Barber LB, Lee KE, King, RJ*, Schoenfuss HL, Schroeder, A.L., Villeneuve DL. Transcriptomic Effects-Based Monitoring for Endocrine Active Chemicals: Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014: 48, 2395-2403.

Martinović-Weigelt D, Minarik TA, Curran EM, Marchuk JS*, Pazderka MJ*, Smith EA*, Goldenstein RL*, Miresse CL*, Matlon TJ*, Schultz MM, Schoenfuss, HL. Environmental Estrogens in an Urban Aquatic Ecosystem: I. Spatial and Temporal Occurrence of Estrogenic Activity in Effluent-Dominated Systems. Environ Int. 2013: 61, 127-137.

Martinović-Weigelt D, Ekman DR, Villeneuve DL, James CM*, Teng Q, Collette TW, Ankley GT. Fishy Aroma of Social Status: Urinary Chemo-Signalling of Territoriality in Male Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas). PLoS One. 2012; 7(11):e46579

  • Assessing Technique for Eliminating Contaminants to Protect Native Fish and Mussels. Funding provided by: Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. (2016-19)
  • Developing Predictive Approaches to Identify Mixtures of Contaminants of Emerging Concern Adversely Impacting Great Lakes Tributaries. Funding provided by: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (2016-19)

  • Assessing Load Reduction and Biological Recovery After 500 MGD Treatment Upgrade in an Effluent-Dominated Aquatic Ecosystem. Funding provided by: National Science Foundation, CBET - Environmental Engineering Collaborative Research, (2014-17)

  • Evaluating oil spill toxicity to improve water remediation II. Funding provided by: National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, a collaborative venture of the USGS, Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership, the Minnesota Pollution Control agency, and Beltrami County. (2016-17)

  • Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Urban Stormwater: Occurrence, Effects, and Mitigation by Best Management Practices.Funding provided by: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (2016-17)

  • Utilizing Systems Biology Approaches To Prioritize Environmental Toxicants in Aquatic Ecosystems. Funding provided by: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (2014-15)