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Fernando Sanchez

Associate Professor in Professional Writing


  • Education
  • PhD, English, Purdue University
    MA, English, University of St. Thomas
    MS, Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    BA, Wabash College

  • Expertise
  • Professional Writing
  • Research Interests
  • Technical and Professional Communication
    Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
    Queer Rhetorics
    Rhetorics of Urban Design/Development

Personal Website

As Associate Professor of English in Professional Writing at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN), I study how technical and professional communication (TPC) impacts urban development, political documentation, and health and medical contexts.

I have taught graduate courses on political rhetoric; urban spaces; and comics; as well as undergraduate courses in grant writing; business writing; and race, gender, and technology; among others. My goal in these courses is to teach students the rhetorical work that documents perform so that they carefully consider how they write, design, edit, and structure the artifacts that they produce—whether they are digital, visual, textual, collaborative, etc.

At UST, I have served as the coordinator for our Academic Development Program, which involves our Intensive Writing courses for first-year students and am currently acting as interim chair of the English Department.

My research has appeared in journals such as Technical Communication Quarterly, Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Computers and Composition, Technical Communication, Composition Studies, WPA: Writing Program Administration, the WAC Journal, and Pedagogy, as well as in numerous edited collections.

Fernando Sánchez (2022). “Queering Spaces.” Routledge Handbook of Queer Rhetoric, Eds. Jackie Rhodes and Jonathan Alexander. Routledge Press: 156—163.

Fernando Sánchez, Isidore Kafui Dorpenyo, and Jennifer Sano-Franchini. (2021). “Election Technologies as a Tool for Cultivating Civic Literacies in Technical Communication: A case of The Redistricting Game”. Equipping Technical Communicators For Social Justice Work: Theories, Topics, and Methodologies, Eds. Rebecca Walton and Godwin Agboka. Utah State University Press: 197—213.

Fernando Sánchez. (2020) “SMAPL, the Urban Planning Comic Book, as Methectic Technical Communication.” Technical Communication Quarterly, 29(3), 287-303. ***Winner of the 2022 CCCC Award for best article in Scientific and Technical Communication—Philosophy and Theory***

Fernando Sánchez. (2020). “Toward a Theory of Distributed Ethos: Mediation in a Mental Health Call Center.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, 3(2): 133—162.

Fernando Sánchez (2020). “The Spaces Between: Mapping Gaps in the Assemblages of Spatial Renderings.” Computers and Composition, 55: 1—19.

Fernando Sánchez. (2019). “Trans Students’ Right to Their Own Gender in Professional Communication Courses: A Textbook Analysis of Attire and Voice Standards in Oral Presentations.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 49(2): 183—212.

Fernando Sánchez. (2018). “Racial Gerrymandering and Geographic Information Software: Subverting the 2011 Texas District Map with Election Technologies” Technical Communication, 65(4): 354—370.

Fernando Sánchez. (2018). “Enabling Geographies: Mapping Campus Spaces through Disability and Access. Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 18(3): 433—456.

Fernando Sánchez. (2017). “The Roles of Technical Communication Researchers in Design Scholarship.” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 47(3): 359–391.

Fernando Sánchez and Stacy Nall. (2017). “Crossbreeding Disciplines: Collaboratively Developing a Writing Culture in Animal Sciences Courses.” Writing Program and Writing Center Collaborations: Transcending Boundaries, Eds. Alice J. Myatt and Lynée L. Gaillet. Macmillan: 95—116.

Fernando Sánchez and Daniel Kenzie. (2016). “Of Evolutions and Mutations: Assessment as Tactics for Action in WAC Partnerships.” WAC Journal,27: 119—141.

Don Unger and Fernando Sánchez. (2015). “Locating Queer Rhetorics: Revealing Local Infrastructures through Maps.” Computers and Composition, 38: 96—112.

Fernando Sánchez, Liz Lane, and Tyler Carter. (2014). “Engaging Writing about Writing Theory and Multimodal Praxis: Remediating WaW for First Year Composition.” Composition Studies, 42(2): 118—146.

Fernando Sánchez. (2013). “Creating Accessible Spaces for ESL Students Online.” WPA: Writing Program Administration, 37(1): 161—185.

Fernando Sánchez. (2012). “Queer Transgressions: Same-Sex Desire and Transgendered Representations in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger.” Trans-scripts, 2: 176—190.