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Mark K. Spencer



  • Education
  • PhD, Philosophy, University at Buffalo (2012)
    MA, Philosophy, Franciscan University of Steubenville (2008)
    BA, Philosophy and Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville (2007)

  • Research Interests
  • Aesthetics and Philosophy of Beauty, Ancient and Medieval Greek Philosophy, Medieval and Modern Scholastic Philosophy, Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy, Phenomenology and Personalism, and Philosophical Theology

The Irreducibility of the Human Person: A Catholic Synthesis. (Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022).

“Deification and Theological Anthropology,” in Paul Gavrilyuk, Andrew Hofter, O.P., and Matthew Levering, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Deification, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

“Classical Theism, Divine Beauty, and the Doctrine of the Trinity,” in Rob Koons and Jonathan Fuqua, eds., Classical Theism: New Essays on the Metaphysics of God, (New York: Routledge, 2023): 285-302.

“A Metaphysics of Blood Sacrifice,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 96, The Metaphysical Preambles to the Preambles of Faith (2022): forthcoming.

“The Flexibility of Thomistic Metaphysical Principles: Byzantine Thomists, Personalist Thomists, and Jacques Maritain,” Studia Gilsoniana 11:3 (July-September 2022): 445-470.

“Omnis categoria pulchra est: A Neutralist Account of Beauty,” in Robert A. Delfino, William Irwin, and Jonathan J. Sanford, eds., The Philosophical Legacy of Jorge J.E. Gracia, (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022): 169-180.

“Value-Perception and Spiritual Perception in Max Scheler,” in Frederick Aquino and Paul Gavrilyuk, eds., Perceiving Things Divine: Towards a Constructive Account of Spiritual Perception, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022): 51-66.

“The Many Phenomenological Reductions and Catholic Metaphysical Anti-Reductionism.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95:3, Special Issue on Phenomenology and Catholicism (Summer 2021): 367-388.

“Divine Beauty and Our Obligation to Worship God.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94, The Good, the True, the Beautiful: Through and Of the Ages (2020): 153-169

“Beauty and the Intellectual Virtues in Aristotle,” in Beauty and the Good: Past Interpretations and Their Contemporary Relevance, ed. Alice Ramos, (Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020): 93-114.

“The Separated Soul: Disability in the Intermediate State,” in Disability in Medieval Christian Philosophy and Theology, ed. Scott Williams, (New York: Routledge, 2020): 235-257.

“Beauty and Being in von Hildebrand and the Aristotelian Tradition,” The Review of Metaphysics 73:2 (December 2019): 311-334.

“Beauty, First and Last of All the Transcendentals: Givenness and Aesthetic, Spiritual Perception in Thomism and Jean-Luc Marion,” The Thomist 82:2 (April 2018): 157-187

“The Many Powers of the Human Soul: Von Hildebrand’s Contribution to Scholastic Philosophical Anthropology,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91:4, Special Issue on Dietrich Von Hildebrand (Fall 2017): 719-735.

“The Flexibility of Divine Simplicity: Aquinas, Scotus, Palamas”, International
Philosophical Quarterly 57:2 (July 2017): 123-139.

“The Phenomenology and Metaphysics of Spiritual Perception: A Thomistic Framework.” New Blackfriars 97:1072 (November 2016): 677-692.

“Divine Causality and Created Freedom: A Thomistic Personalist View.” Nova et Vetera 14:3 (Summer 2016): 375-419.

“Christologically Inspired, Empirically Motivated Hylomorphism.” Co-written with Tim Pawl. Res Philosophica 93:1 (January 2016): 137-160.

“What is it Like to be an Embodied Person? What is it Like to be a Separated Soul?” Angelicum 93 (2016): 219-246.

“Quantum Randomness, Hylomorphism, and Classical Theism.” Journal of Analytic Theology 4 (2016): 147-170.

“Aristotelian Substance and Personalistic Subjectivity.” International Philosophical Quarterly 55:2 (June 2015): 145-164.

“The Category of Habitus: Artifacts, Accidents, and Human Nature.” The Thomist 79:1 (January 2015): 113-154.

“Created Persons are Subsistent Relations: A Scholastic-Phenomenological Synthesis.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 89 (2015): 225-243.

“Activity, Identity, and God: A Tension in Aquinas and His Interpreters.” Co-written with W. Matthews Grant, Studia Neoaristotelica 12 (2015): 5-61.

“The Personhood of the Separated Soul.” Nova et Vetera 12:3 (Summer 2014): 863-912.

“Habits, Potencies, and Obedience: Experiential Evidence for Thomistic Hylomorphism.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 88, (2014): 165-180. Winner of the ACPA Young Scholar Award.

“A Reexamination of the Hylomorphic Theory of Death.” The Review of Metaphysics 63:4 (June 2010): 843-870.

“Full Human Flourishing: The Place of the Various Virtues in the Quest for Happiness in Aristotle’s Ethics.” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81, (2007): 193-204.