Dr. Gregg brings a wide range of experiences and background to his courses and research. Dr. Gregg’s background includes professional-level media production practice (fiction and non-fiction) and some media design work, including video, audio, and graphic/web design, as well as teaching specialized and general courses in media production, media studies, media history and film.
Teaching and Advising:
Dr. Gregg is the Digital Media Arts coordinator. He teaches courses in media production and analysis, including DIMA 240 (Digital Imagery and Sound), DIMA 360 (Videography), and DIMA 460 (Advanced Media Production). He also teaches classes in Film Studies and serves on its advisory board.
With Prof. Keston, he has acted as adviser to the college’s “Teach-In Tuesday” initiative, working with students to produce several live multicamera workshops. As an adviser with TommieMedia, he has overseen seven years of award-winning, nationally recognized student media production content and worked with Dr. Neuzil on DEI initiatives in the organization, with an emphasis on how such issues are framed by stories.
He successfully completed the Inclusive Classroom Institute certification in 2017.
He advises the UST Film Society.
Professional Experience:
Dr. Gregg's webseries Forsythia won a cinematography award at the LAweb Fest. An audio drama follow-up called "The Chronos Paragon" was an official selection of the National Audio Theatre Festivals' (NATF) HEAR Now festival in 2015 and was a finalist for seven Audio Verse Awards, winning "Best New Original Ongoing Production." The second season of “The Chronos Paragon” was an official selection of the 2016 NATF HEAR Now festival.
He has served as the vice-president and president of the National Audio Theatre Festivals, a non-profit dedicated to advancing audio as an artform, including leading initiatives in diversity, equity and inclusion.
He is a member of the Society of American Baseball Researchers.
Dr. Gregg’s research is on the axis of emerging media and parasocial interaction/contact, including scholarship involved in learning through media, media literacy and media representations and prejudice.
He and his colleagues were awarded the National Communication Association’s Charles H. Woolbert Research Award for their paper “The Parasocial Contact Hypothesis” and its long-lasting contributions to the field. His paper “Defining Valuable” was selected by the Society of Baseball Researchers as one of the fifty most-influential papers published in the last fifty years by Baseball Research Journal. His paper on “Mediated Social Learning About Public Speaking Anxiety” was selected by the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning division of the National Communication Association conference as a top paper.
His work has been published in Communication Monographs, the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, the Journal of Popular Culture, the Journal of Radio and Audio, Convergence, Death Studies, and the Journal of Homosexuality, and he was a contributor to the book Mass Media Effects: Advances Through Meta-analysis. His scholarship on teaching and learning includes publications in Teaching Media Quarterly and the Journal of Media Education.
He has participated in conferences for the National Communication Association, the Kern Conference in Visual Communication, the International Communication Association, and the American Culture Association.
Gregg, P. B. (in press). Social responses to and motivation involving knitting vlog viewing. Convergence.
Gregg, P. B. (in press). Text to speech: Transportation-Imagery Theory and outcomes of narrative delivery format. Journal of Radio and Audio Media.
Gregg, P. B. (2020). The struggle to define valuable: Tradition vs. sabermetrics in the 2012 AL MVP race. In B. Nowlin (Ed.), SABR 50 at 50: The Society for American Baseball Research’s fifty most essential contributions to the game (pp. 572-590). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Gregg, P. B. (2018). Brick-olage and the LEGO/brand axis. The Popular Culture Studies Journal, 6(1), 29-44.
Gregg, P. B. (2018). Parasocial breakup and Twitter: the firing of Barb Abney. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 62(1), 38-50.
Gregg, P. B. (2017). The struggle to define valuable: Tradition vs. sabermetrics in the 2012 AL MVP race. Baseball Research Journal, 46(2), 116-124.
Gregg, P. B. (2017). A “best practice” for producing media literacy videos. Journal of Media Education, 8(2). http://en.calameo.com/read/0000917896207e45dfbf7
Gregg, P. B. & Schiappa, E. (2017). Parasocial communication. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods (pp. 1180-1182). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Gregg, P. B. (2015). Civic engagement through multicamera studio production. Teaching Media Quarterly, 3(3). http://www.teachingmedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/TMQ_3_3_Gregg_2015.pdf
Schiappa, E., Horvath, D. L., & Gregg, P. B. (2015). The phenomenal text of Michael Moore’s Sicko. In T. W. Benson & B. Snee (Eds.), Michael Moore and the rhetoric of documentary (pp. 119-146). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
Schiappa, E., Allen, M., & Gregg, P. B. (2007). Parasocial relationships and television: a meta-analysis of the effects. In R. Preiss et al. (Eds.) Mass media effects: Advances through meta-analysis (pp. 301-314). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B., & Hewes, D. E. (2006). Can one TV show make a difference? Will & Grace and the parasocial contact hypothesis. Journal of Homosexuality. 51, 15-37.
Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B., & Hewes, D. E. (2005). The parasocial contact hypothesis. Communication Monographs. 72, 95-118.
Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B., & Hewes, D. E. (2004). Can a television series change attitudes about death? A study of college students and Six Feet Under. Death Studies. 28, 459-474.
Gregg, P. B. (2004). England looks to the future: The cultural forum model and Doctor Who. Journal of Popular Culture. 37, 648-661.