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Associate Professor and Department Chair

Gregg, P. B. (in press). Social responses to and motivation involving knitting vlog viewing. Convergence.

Gregg, P. B. (in press). Text to speech: Transportation-Imagery Theory and outcomes of narrative delivery format. Journal of Radio and Audio Media.

Gregg, P. B. (2020). The struggle to define valuable: Tradition vs. sabermetrics in the 2012 AL MVP race. In B. Nowlin (Ed.), SABR 50 at 50: The Society for American Baseball Research’s fifty most essential contributions to the game (pp. 572-590). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Gregg, P. B. (2018). Brick-olage and the LEGO/brand axis. The Popular Culture Studies Journal, 6(1), 29-44.

Gregg, P. B. (2018). Parasocial breakup and Twitter: the firing of Barb Abney. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 62(1), 38-50.

Gregg, P. B. (2017). The struggle to define valuable: Tradition vs. sabermetrics in the 2012 AL MVP race. Baseball Research Journal, 46(2), 116-124.

Gregg, P. B. (2017). A “best practice” for producing media literacy videos. Journal of Media Education, 8(2). http://en.calameo.com/read/0000917896207e45dfbf7

Gregg, P. B. & Schiappa, E. (2017). Parasocial communication. In M. Allen (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods (pp. 1180-1182). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Gregg, P. B. (2015). Civic engagement through multicamera studio production. Teaching Media Quarterly, 3(3). http://www.teachingmedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/TMQ_3_3_Gregg_2015.pdf

Schiappa, E., Horvath, D. L., & Gregg, P. B. (2015). The phenomenal text of Michael Moore’s Sicko. In T. W. Benson & B. Snee (Eds.), Michael Moore and the rhetoric of documentary (pp. 119-146). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Schiappa, E., Allen, M., & Gregg, P. B. (2007). Parasocial relationships and television: a meta-analysis of the effects. In R. Preiss et al. (Eds.) Mass media effects: Advances through meta-analysis (pp. 301-314). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B., & Hewes, D. E. (2006). Can one TV show make a difference? Will & Grace and the parasocial contact hypothesis. Journal of Homosexuality. 51, 15-37.

Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B., & Hewes, D. E. (2005). The parasocial contact hypothesis. Communication Monographs. 72, 95-118.

Schiappa, E., Gregg, P. B., & Hewes, D. E. (2004). Can a television series change attitudes about death? A study of college students and Six Feet Under. Death Studies. 28, 459-474.

Gregg, P. B. (2004). England looks to the future: The cultural forum model and Doctor Who. Journal of Popular Culture. 37, 648-661.