Robert J. Werner is Professor Emeritus at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Most of his research is about Bolivia, applications of Geographic Information Systems, and project-based learning. He is active now writing grant proposals for a Habitat on the Crow Creek Reservation in South Dakota. He retired in 2016.
2016. Werner, Robert. Exhibit: "A Section of the Online Syllabus from Geog. 231." in A Guide to Writing in College, Chris Anson. Pearson Education, Inc.
2015. Travels on the Road of Death and Other Adventures of a Yankee in Bolivia. Amazon Kindle e-book. (Web).
2012. Werner, Robert. “Dakota Diaspora after 1862.” Minnesota’s Heritage 6: (2012) 38-59. (Print). A map titled “Dakota Diaspora after 1862” from this article is published online at the Minnesota Historical Society website: (Web) and was on display at the Minnesota Historical Society “Dakota War” exhibit.
2011. Hartmann, Monica, and Werner, Robert. “Hyperinflation: What Zimbabwe Can Teach Us.” Buffalo, NY: National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science.
2009. Werner, Robert. Bolivia in Focus. Northhampton, MA: Interlink Books.
2007. Werner, Robert. “Inquiry-Based Education at Minnesota’s University of St. Thomas.” International Journal of Learning, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp.51-56.
2007. Ditty, J., Kelley, D., Lorah, P., Steyermark, A., Werner, R. & Zimmer, K. (2007). Cross – departmental Implementation of GIS at a Mid-sized Undergraduate University. CUR Quarterly, 27(3), 120-124.
2005. Werner, Robert. “Inquiry-Based Learning Teaches Students to Think,” St. Thomas Magazine, Vol. XXI, No.3.
2001. Werner, Robert. “GIS in Action: Case-Study Demonstrations”, in Conference Proceedings: 2001 MN Safety & Health Conference, p. 313-324, MN Safety Council, St. Paul, Minnesota.
1999. Werner, Robert, et al. Timelines and Atlas of World History. University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota. 57 pages.
1998. Werner, Robert. “Equity in Public Transit: A Test Statistic for Buffer Problems,” Environmental Systems Research Institute's Conference Proceedings, 1998. Redlands, CA: ESRI.
1998. Werner, Robert, Vanderschaaf, Mark and Cross, Andy. “Working Paper: The Hazel Park Marketing & Investment Strategy: A Profile of Demography and Housing,” St. Paul Dept. of Planning & Economic Development.
1997. Werner, Robert, “Toxic Releases and Demography in Minneapolis/St. Paul: A GIS Exploration,” 1997 ESRI User Conference Proceedings. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA.
1997. Werner, Robert and Hedlund, Chris, Minnesota GIS Educational Sourcebook 1997, The Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium, St. Paul, Minnesota. 20 pages.
1995. Werner, Robert and Hedlund, Chris, “Putting Children First: St. Paul Uses GIS to Prioritize Lead Pipe Replacement,” Geo Info Systems, vol. 5 no. 10 (October 1995) and vol. 6 no. 11 (November 1995).
1995. Werner, Robert and Hedlund, Chris. GIS/LIS College Courses in and near Minnesota, 1995. The Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium, St. Paul, Minnesota. 105 pages.
1994. Werner, Robert, “ATLAS JAPAN: In English and Japanese,” a book review. Cartographic Perspectives (No. 17, Winter 1994: 29-30).
1993. Werner, Robert, “A Survey of Preference Among Nine Equator-Centered Map Projections,” Cartography and Geographic Information systems, vol. 20, no. 1 (Jan.), p. 31-39.
1993. Werner, Robert, “ATLAS PRO and ATLAS GIS,” (software review) Cartographic Perspectives, no. 14, Winter, 1993, p.22-27.
1992. Werner, Robert and Young, Jim, “A Checklist to Evaluate Mapping Software,” Journal of Geography, vol. 90 no. 3 (May-June, 1992).
1989. Werner, Robert J. “A Bivariate Technique Applied to Agricultural Productivity Mapping.” Research in contemporary and applied geography, v. 13, no. 2. Binghamton, N.Y.: Dept. of Geography, State University of New York at Binghamton.