Ultimate Normative Foundations: The Case for Aquinas's Personalist Natural Law. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield: 2017 (paperback with revised index). Originally published 2011. (available at Lexington Books) (available at amazon.com) (revised index for hardback copy)
Editor, Woman as Prophet in the Home and World: Interdisciplinary Investigations. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016.
"The Indeterminacy Thesis and the Normativity of Practical Reason," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 85 (2012): 265-282. Ultimate Normative Foundations: The Case for Personalist Natural Law and Global Jurisprudence. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield, 2011.
"Compassion and the Personalism of American Jurisprudence: Bioethical Entailments," in Bioethics with Liberty and Justice: Themes in the Work of Joseph M. Boyle, ed. Christopher Tollefson. New York: Springer (2010): 59-74.
"Does Suffering Defeat Eudaimonic Practical Reasoning?" Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Vol. 83 (2010): 155-172.
"Terrorism, Defensive Torture and the Crisis in International Rights Law," UST Journal of Law and Public Policy 3:1 (2009): 71-79.
"Juridical Prudence and the Toleration of Evil: Aquinas and John Paul II," UST Law Journal. 4:1 (2006) 25-46.
"Tolerance, Society, and the First Amendment: Reconsiderations," UST Law Journal. 3:1 (2005): 75-91.
"Priesthood and the Masculinity of Christ," in the Internet newsletter Godspy (10.15.03) http://www.godspy.com
"Equality, Gender and John Paul II," Logos 5:3 (2002): 111-130.
"Are the Love Precepts Really Natural Law's Primary Precepts?" ACPA Proc. LXVI (1992): 45-71. Also a plenary presentation.
"Rediscovering Eudaimonistic Teleology," The Monist 75, 1 (Jan. 1992): 71-83.
"The 'Feminism' of Aquinas' Natural Law: Relationships, Love and New Life," in Abortion: A New Generation of Catholic Responses. Ed. Stephen Heaney. Braintree, MA: Pope John XXIII Center, 1992, pp. 237-242.
"Aquinas and Natural Human Fulfillment: Inconsistencies?" ACPA Proc. LXV (1991): 215-233.
"Natural Inclinations and Moral Absolutes: A Mediated Correspondence for Aquinas," ACPA Proc. LXIV (1990): 130-50. (The 1990 ACPA Machette Award)
"Love: The Heart of Christian Life," Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 3 (1990): 101-124.
"The Paradox of Aquinas' Altruism: From Self-Love to Love of Others," ACPA Proc. LXIII (1989): 72-84.
Book Review of Hugo Meynell's Freud, Marx, and Morals, The Canadian Catholic Review, 3 (1985), 31.
"A Philosophical Critique of the Brain Death Movement," Linacre Quarterly, 49 (1982): 240-247.
"Make Your Own Man (Possibilities in Genetic Manipulation)," SUNY-Binghamton's Science Journal 1 (1978): 4-5.
Selected Presentations
"Fides et Ratio: Towards a Philosophy of Gender," UST Catholic Studies Workshop, Summer 2005.
"Pro-life Feminism: A Contradiction in Terms?" Human Life Alliance Conference, Fall 2004.
"Controversial Issues in Politics, Sex and Death? A three talk series, St. Joseph's Parish, 2004.
"Reflections on Centesimus Annus and the Juridical/Political Parameters of Vocation and Feminism." John Paul II and the Vocation of the Professional Woman. Spring 2004.
"Modern Biology Meets Aquinas and Vice Versa," 2003 Summer Workshop: Philosophy in a New Key.
"Pro-Life Feminism," Midwest Collegiate Pro-life Conference, 2002.
"Aquinas on the Obligations of Love in Charity and Natural Law," Society of Christian Philosophy, 2002.
"Love and Rights: A Medieval Reconciliation," International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 2001.
"Against the Impossibility and Implausibility of Thomistic Natural Law," Minnesota Philosophical Society, 2000.
"Fides et Ratio: Recovery of Natural Law," Diocese of Portland, Oregon, Dec. 1999.
"Discovering Moral Values," University of St. Thomas' Philosophy Colloquium, March 1999.
"On the Vocation of Woman in the Church," Engaging Truth Discussion Forum, Center for Catholic Studies, Dec. 1998.
"Against MacIntyre's Metaethical Perspectivism," Minnesota Philosophical Society, Oct. 1998.
"The Love of God as the Primary Principle of Eudaimonic Happiness," Second Annual Aquinas Lecture, West Liberty State College, April 1998.
"Natural Law and Love: Transcendent Self-Love and Justice," American Maritain Society. March 1994.
"Self-evidence and the Good," International Medieval and Renaissance Congress. Kalamazoo, May 1994.
"The Logic of Aquinas's Natural Law," Society of Christian Philosophers. California, January 1993.
Plenary Keynote Paper for the 1992 Annual Convention of the American Catholic Philosophical Association: "Are the Love Precepts Really Natural Law's Primary Precepts?" Also published inACPA Proc. LXVI (1992): 45-71.
"Sailing with Aquinas Between the Syclla and Charybdis of Christian Love," International Thomist Society. Boston, Spring 1991.
"The Just War Theory," Keynote Address for "Christian Perspectives on the Middle East." Sponsored by Flagstaff Ministerial Association, Spring 1991.
"Love: The Heart of Christian Life." Wethersfield Conference. New York, September 1990. Also published in Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 3 (1990): 101-124.
"Personal Identity and the Metaphysics of Death," University of Northern Arizona Colloquium. Flagstaff, Spring 1989.
"Natural Inclinations and Moral Absolutes," University of St. Thomas Colloquium. St. Paul, 1988.
"The Catholic Challenge in a Sex Oriented Society," St. Helena's Church, Minneapolis, 1987.
"Thomistic Truths Substantiating Empirical Science," Center for Thomistic Studies Colloquium. Houston, 1984.
American Catholic Philosophical Society
University Faculty for Life
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars International
Natural Law Society
Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy
Siena Symposium for Women, Family, and Culture
American Catholic Philosophical Association Machette Award for Young Scholars, "Natural Inclinations and Moral Absolutes" (1990).
Plenary Address for American Catholic Philosophical Association (1992).