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Tyler Schipper

Associate Professor

Data Analytics

  • Education
  • BA, Central College
    MS, University of Oregon
    PhD, University of Oregon

  • Expertise
  • Macroeconomics, growth and development, forecasting

  • Research Interests
  • Informality in developing countries, real-time forecasting

Dr. Schipper studies the role of informal firms in developing economies and has shared his expertise with top policymakers. He regularly includes students in his research projects and mentors students working on their own research.

At St. Thomas since 2014.

Schipper, T.C. & Vecchia, A.* (2022). Bus Ridership and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Bus Stops near Fast-Food Restaurants. Applied Economics Letters.

Check, A.J., Nolan, A.K., & Schipper, T.C. (2019). Forecasting GDP Growth using Disaggregated GDP Revisions. Economics Bulletin, 39(4).

Schipper, T.C. (2019). Informality, Innovation, and Aggregate Productivity Growth. Review of Development Economics. Review of Development Economics, 24(1), 125-143.

Allen, J., Nataraj, S., & Schipper, T.C. (2018). Strict Duality and Overlapping Productivity Distributions between Formal and Informal Firms. Journal of Development Economics, 135, 534-554.

*Denotes student co-author