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Professor – Piano and Piano Pedagogy

Cornett, V. (2019). The mindful musician: Mental skills for peak performance. Oxford University Press.

Cornett, V. (2021). Music listening as a contemplative practice in the college classroom. Journal of Contemplative Inquiry 8(1), 19-47.

Cornett, V., & Urhan, G. (2021). Performance anxiety experiences and coping techniques of Turkish music students and their teachers. International Journal of Music Education 39(4), 504-519.

Cornett, V. (2021 Winter). “Which side are you on?” Folk tune quotation and protest in Western art music. Music and Politics, 15(1).

Brendel, W., & Cornett, V. (2018 Mar). Professors practicing mindfulness: An action research study on transformed teaching, research, and service. Journal of Transformative Education, 17(1), 4-23.

Cornett, V. (2012 Sept). Nurturing the whole musician: Mindfulness, wellness, and the mind-body connection. Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) e-Journal, 4(1), 15-28.

Prichard, R., & Cornett, V. (2011). Music and the mind: a new interdisciplinary course on the science of musical experience. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, Spring 2011 9(2): A92-A97. Editor’s Choice Award for Outstanding Neuroscience Pedagogy Article.

Cornett, V. (2011). Performance anxiety management. Creative Piano Teaching, Fourth Edition, ed. J. Lyke, Stipes Publishing, 491-509.

Cornett, V. (2011). A short history of piano pedagogy in the United States. Creative Piano Teaching, Fourth Edition, ed. J. Lyke, Stipes Publishing, 567-574.

Cornett, V. (2011). The National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy. Creative Piano Teaching, Fourth Edition, ed. J. Lyke, Stipes Publishing, 589-594.

Cornett, V. (2010). From beta to theta: human consciousness, hypnotherapy, and music performance. College Music Symposium, 49-50: 265-270.

Cornett, V. (2020 May). Mental and emotional well-being in the time of COVID-19. Piano Magazine, 12(2), COVID-19 Special Issue, 49-54.

Cornett, V. (2020 May). Bienestar mental y emocional en tiempos de COVID-19. (D. González-Miller, Trans.) Piano Magazine, 12(2), Número Especial 2020 Acerca de COVID-19, 67-73.

Cornett, V. (2020 May). Physical health and wellness considerations for online teaching. Piano Magazine, 12(2), COVID-19 Special Issue, 55-58.

Cornett, V. (2020 May). Consideraciones de salud y bienestar físicos para la enseñanza en la virtualidad. (A. M. Orduz, Trans.) Piano Magazine, 12(2), Número Especial 2020 Acerca de COVID-19, 74-78.

Cornett, V. (2019/2020 Dec/Jan). A bulletproof interview with Noa Kageyama. American Music Teacher, 69(3), 20-23.

Cornett, V. (2019 June). Five attitudes of mindfulness for the performing musician. OUP Blog, June 26, 2019. Oxford University Press online.

Cornett, V. (2018 July/Aug). Toward integrated teaching. Clavier Companion,10(4), 46-47.

Cornett, V. (2017 Mar/Apr). Seeking authenticity: An interview with Valentina Lisitsa. Clavier Companion, 9(2), 10-17.

Cornett, V. (2017 May). Integrated music teaching, part 3 (spirit): Music and the contemplative self. The Canadian Music Teacher / Le Professeur de Musique Canadien, 68(3), 34-36.

Cornett, V. (2017 Jan). Integrated music teaching, part 2 (mind): The mental art of performance. The Canadian Music Teacher / Le Professeur de Musique Canadien, 68(2), 30-32.

Cornett, V. (2016 Sept). Integrated music teaching, part 1 (body): The physical performer. The Canadian Music Teacher / Le Professeur de Musique Canadien, 68(1), 46-48.

Cornett, V. (2015 Feb/Mar). Mental skills and music performance: The teacher’s role. American Music Teacher, 64(4), 28-30.

Cornett, V. (2013 Dec). Byron Janis, American legend. American Music Teacher, 63(3) 12-15.

Cornett, V. (2012 Sept/Oct). With this gigue, I thee wed. Invited humor piece. Clavier Companion, 4 (5), 10.

Cornett, V. (2012 Sept). Cognitive restructuring for performing musicians. The Canadian Music Teacher / Le Professeur de Musique Canadien, 63(1), 54-55. 54-55.

Cornett, V. (2004). Quotation, revolution, and American culture: the use of folk tunes and the influence of Charles Ives in Frederic Rzewski's North American Ballads for solo piano. D.M.A. dissertation, School of Music, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. UMI 3126774.