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Catholic Studies Alumna Anne Morath teaches her Humane Letters class at Trinity School, St. Paul, MN.

Develop a mission-driven classroom

Graduate Certificate in Mission and Culture of Catholic Education

Mission-Driven Schools and Classrooms

The Graduate Certificate in Mission and Culture of Catholic Education offers educators a deep study of the Catholic tradition of reflection on education and helps educators bring the resources of that tradition into their schools and the lives of their students. The certificate allows educators to build on the Two-Course Study and go deeper into their study of Catholic identity and mission. Our Mission and Culture courses will help you:

  • Advance Excellence in Catholic Education
    Apply your knowledge to address the modern challenges of Catholic education and develop concrete strategies for making your classroom and school more mission-driven.
  • Engage the Catholic Tradition
    Deepen your knowledge of Catholic approaches to education and learn how to ground your teaching in the unity of knowledge and the complementarity of faith and reason.
  • Cultivate Community
    Build relationships with other area educators and with staff from the Office for the Mission of Catholic Education at the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis within the rich, supportive learning environment of our blended online courses.
  • Earn Graduate Credit
    Continue your studies by applying Certificate credits toward a Master of Arts in Catholic Studies.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

No additional scholarship application is required. Priority is given to full time, in person students, followed by: full time online/hybrid students: part time, in person Catholic ministers, including Catholic school teachers; part time, remote Catholic ministers, including Catholic school teachers. All Catholic Studies graduate applicants will be considered for financial support.

Many of our students need financial support to pursue a graduate degree in Catholic Studies. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, a limited number of generous partial and full-tuition scholarships are awarded each year on a competitive basis to full-time, degree-seeking, on-ground students of exceptional promise. These Catholic Studies Scholar awards are renewable until completion of the degree.

To apply for Catholic Studies Scholarships, simply indicate your interest in your online graduate application by March 1.

Free and Flexible

The Murray Institute at the University of St. Thomas provides qualified parish and Catholic school employees a TUITION-FREE path to a graduate degree!

This scholarship award can be applied toward a Master of Arts in Catholic Studies (33 credits), a Graduate Certificate in Mission & Culture in Catholic Education (18 Credits), or a Two-Course Study in Catholic Education (6 credits).

Thanks to the generosity of Catholic Studies donors, Catholic school educators outside of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are eligible for generous tuition scholarship funding.

Paid Graduate Assistantships (4-10 hours/week) are available. Assistantships allow graduate students to work within the Department and Center for Catholic Studies on both scholarly and professional projects . They offer students a rewarding learning and professional development experience. Assistants might work on international conferences, help mentor students in our leadership programs, edit our academic journal or aid a faculty member in research for publishing, or other related work.

The Dean's Office in the College of Arts & Sciences offers a limited number of scholarships to students admitted to its graduate programs. These scholarships are intended to appreciate scholastic achievement and to recognize academic potential among incoming students. MA and Certificate students are invited to indicate their interest in the Dean's Scholarships at the time of their application to their chosen program. Awards will typically be granted on a per course basis and, depending on availability of funds, will typically apply for up to three years when the recipient remains in good academic standing (with a GPA of 3.5 or above).

Admission Deadlines

We admit on a rolling basis for our fall, spring, and summer terms.

  • Priority Fall (Scholarship) Deadline: March 1
  • Final Fall Deadline: August 15
  • Spring Deadline: January 15
  • Summer Deadline: June 1

Application Requirements

  • Online application (select "Certificate")
  • Résumé
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • A simple statement of interest (500 words)
  • A 10-page writing sample (ideally in the humanities — philosophy, political science, literature, etc.)
  • Transcripts from all previous credit-granting institutions
  • GRE is not required!


The Certificate in Mission and Culture of Catholic Education consists of 18 credits, earned via 5 courses and the completion of the Capstone Project.

Teacher working one on one with a student.

Required Courses

  • The Heart of Culture: The Story of Catholic Education
  • Challenges in Catholic PreK-12 Education
A teacher works at a table with 3 young students

Elective Courses

In addition to the required courses, certificate students select 3 elective Catholic Studies graduate courses. Sample courses include:

  • Science and Catholicism
  • The Catholic Novel
  • Virtue
  • Nature and Grace in Shakespeare
View more Catholic Studies graduate courses
Catholic Studies Alum Ben Vasko teaches his sixth grade Latin class

Capstone Project

Students finish their Graduate Certificate with a Capstone Project in which they take what they have learned and present a plan to implement a project in their school.

Mission and Culture Fellows in Catholic Education

  • About
  • Benefits
  • Course Options
  • Future Opportunities
  • Apply
  • About

    Mission and Culture Fellows in Catholic Education is a unique immersion program that serves as an alternative pathway into Catholic education, providing on-the-job formation for college graduates who are discerning their vocational call.

    Paired with the Catholic Studies six-course, graduate-level Certificate in Mission & Culture of Catholic Education, our Fellows develop a philosophy of education rooted in the Church’s 2000-year-old tradition as they work with experienced mentor teachers and administrators.

    Learn More


    • Engage the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.
    • Receive intentional formation from master practitioners in all areas of Catholic education including: teaching, development, administration, recruitment, and extracurriculars.
    • Earn a $1,500/month stipend ($15,000 total).
    • Receive generous scholarship support for graduate-level courses ($11,592 value).

    Course Options

    • The Heart of Culture: The Story of Catholic Education
    • Challenges in Pre-K to 12 Catholic Education
    • John Henry Newman
    • Secularization
    • Virtue
    • Science and Catholicism
    • Crisis in the Church
    • Shakespeare’s Christian Imagination
    • And more . . .

    Future Opportunities

    Upon successful completion of the program, Mission & Culture Fellows have multiple opportunities available within the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, including:

    • Job opportunities in a supportive, vibrant, growing Catholic community.
    • A fully funded master's degree in Catholic Studies (upon employment at a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis). The six certificate courses apply towards a full master's degree.
    • A teacher credentialing certificate from the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education.
    • A masters-level certificate for those considering leadership roles in Catholic education.


    To begin the Mission and Culture Fellows Application and interview process, please contact Sarah DeCock, Program Coordinator.


    Mission and Culture Fellows in Catholic Education is a unique immersion program that serves as an alternative pathway into Catholic education, providing on-the-job formation for college graduates who are discerning their vocational call.

    Paired with the Catholic Studies six-course, graduate-level Certificate in Mission & Culture of Catholic Education, our Fellows develop a philosophy of education rooted in the Church’s 2000-year-old tradition as they work with experienced mentor teachers and administrators.

    Learn More


    • Engage the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.
    • Receive intentional formation from master practitioners in all areas of Catholic education including: teaching, development, administration, recruitment, and extracurriculars.
    • Earn a $1,500/month stipend ($15,000 total).
    • Receive generous scholarship support for graduate-level courses ($11,592 value).

    Course Options

    • The Heart of Culture: The Story of Catholic Education
    • Challenges in Pre-K to 12 Catholic Education
    • John Henry Newman
    • Secularization
    • Virtue
    • Science and Catholicism
    • Crisis in the Church
    • Shakespeare’s Christian Imagination
    • And more . . .

    Future Opportunities

    Upon successful completion of the program, Mission & Culture Fellows have multiple opportunities available within the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, including:

    • Job opportunities in a supportive, vibrant, growing Catholic community.
    • A fully funded master's degree in Catholic Studies (upon employment at a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis). The six certificate courses apply towards a full master's degree.
    • A teacher credentialing certificate from the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education.
    • A masters-level certificate for those considering leadership roles in Catholic education.


    To begin the Mission and Culture Fellows Application and interview process, please contact Sarah DeCock, Program Coordinator.

    Michael Naughton speaks at a podium

    Featured Faculty

    Our highly regarded instructors have deep and varied academic backgrounds, well suited to serve a diverse group of students in an interdisciplinary program.

    Dr. Michael Naughton is the director of the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas. He holds the Koch Chair in Catholic Studies and is a full professor in the department of Catholic Studies. He also taught in the College of Business for over 20 years.
