The Bible Among the Ruins: Time, Materiality, and the World of the Biblical Writers (Cambridge University Press, f/c).
Memory in a Time of Prose: Studies in Epistemology, Hebrew Scribalism, and the Biblical Past (Oxford University Press, 2018).
David's Jerusalem: Between Memory and History (Routledge, 2015).
Recent Articles:
“’And I Will Make Samaria a Ruin in the Open Country’ (Micah 1:6): On Biblical Ruins, Then and Now.” Revue Biblique 129.2 (2022): 161-82.
“An Archaeology of Ancient Thought: On the Hebrew Bible and the History of Ancient Israel.” Harvard Theological Review 115.2 (2022): 171-96.
“Observations on the Appearance of Royal Inscriptions in Alphabetic Scripts in the Levant: An Exercise in ‘Historically Anchored Philology’” (w/F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp) Maarav: A Journal for the Study of Northwest Semitic Languages and Literature 23.2 (2019): 389-442.
“The ‘High Court’ of Ancient Israel’s Past: Archaeology, Texts, and the Question of Priority.” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 19.1 (2019): 1-25.
“Material Culture and Making Visible: On the Portrayal of Philistine Gath in the Book of Samuel.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 43.1 (2018): 3-27.