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Stephen Laumakis



  • Education
  • PhD, University of Notre Dame 1991
    MA, Villanova University 1984
    BA, St. Charles Seminary 1982, Summa Cum Laude
  • Expertise
  • Medieval Philosophy: Thomas Aquinas, History of Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy
  • Research Interests
  • The Person and The Good; Eastern and Western Views of "Happiness"; Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese and Japanese Philosophy and Religion; Eastern and Western views of Mysticism, Meditation, and "Spiritual Senses"; The History and Development of Thomism and Thomistic Epistemology

Stephen J. Laumakis is Professor of Philosophy and former Director of the Aquinas Scholars Honors Program at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN. He began teaching at St. Thomas in the fall of 1990. He has published articles in East-West Connections: Review of Asian Studies, The Modern Schoolman, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofia, and book chapters in Golf and Philosophy—Lessons from the Links with the University of Kentucky Press, and in Blackwell’s A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. He has also published a book, An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy with Cambridge University (Translated into Portuguese as, Uma Introducao A Filosofia Budista with Madras Editora Ltda.) and an online book, Happiness: The Person & The Good with Great River Learning. He is a member of the Asian Studies Development Program at the East-West Center in Hawai’i.

Professional Associations American Catholic Philosophical Association American Philosophical Association Asian Studies Development Program Minnesota Philosophical Society

Visit Dr. Stephen Laumakis personal website for more information.

"The Dalai Lama's Dialogues," in Journal of Dialogue Studies, Vol. 2, Number 1 (Spring 2014).

"The Philosophical Context of Gotama's Thought," in S. Emmanuel (Ed.), A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers (January 2013). "Eastern and Western Contributions to 'Contemplative Science,'" in Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofia, No. 47, 2011. "Finding the (Fair) Way with Confucius and Ben Hogan," In A. Wible (Ed.), Golf and Philosophy: Lessons from the Links. Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky (August 2010).

"Plato and Confucius on the Form of Golf: From the Ideal to the Real," In A. Wible (Ed.), Golf and Philosophy: Lessons from the Links. Lexington, KY: The University Press of Kentucky (August 2010).

"The Philosophy and Psychology of 'Contemplative Science': The Problems and Possibilities for an Emerging East-West Connection" (co-authored with Greg Robinson-Riegler) in East-West Connections: Review of Asian Studies, Volume 9, Number 1, Fall 2009.

"The Sensus Communis Reconsidered" in The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 82, Issue 3, Summer 2008.

An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

"'Re-Constructing Philosophical Arguments: Getting a Grip on Thomistic Straw Men" in The Modern Schoolman, Volume LXXXII, Number 4, May 2005.

"Confucius and ZHONG/'Doing One's Utmost'" in East-West Connections: Review of Asian Studies, Volume 4, Spring 2004.