Raise the Bar
Browse the course catalog for full descriptions and to see all of your options for creating music and movement.
The Kodály Institute at St. Thomas offers a certificate program endorsed by the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE). Coursework provides high quality, intensive studies in: musicianship, conducting and ensemble to enable personal growth in musicianship; materials, analysis, classification and retrieval systems to assist students in gathering and systematizing repertoire for their personal teaching situations; and curriculum, pedagogy and instructional techniques to further students' understanding of and practical experience in designing spiral curricula for literacy-based music education programs using inquiry-based teaching techniques.
Kodály study at St. Thomas introduces students to music education that emphasizes musical knowledge and understanding through sequential skill development. The national standards for music are addressed through an approach that develops the musician-educator. The development of musical and pedagogical skills occurs in an atmosphere of joyful and systematic exploration in a Kodály-inspired approach to music education.
Get a feel for the program
Coursework mixed with fun and celebrations round out the Kodály program at St. Thomas. Our students and faculty enjoy time together with special events including lunches, skits, breakfast and a final concert.
Kodály Levels I, II, III (GMUS 741, 742, 743) are required for University of St. Thomas/OAKE-Endorsed Kodály Certificate students. Each level is a three-credit course.
Browse the course catalog for full descriptions and to see all of your options for creating music and movement.
New students should complete a non-degree application. Those with an inactive St. Thomas identification number should email music@stthomas.edu for registration instructions.
All current students with an active identification number register for courses through Murphy Online on OneStThomas.
Carrie Krause teaches elementary music and feels St. Thomas has provided her with depth and breadth to be a better elementary music teacher.
Our Kodaly faculty shares their combined 100 years of teaching experience with our students each and every summer. As music educators, they have taught all over the world and have applied Kodaly in a wide range of settings. This is a chance for you to learn from one of the most talented faculty in the country!
Dr. Garner teaches elementary classroom and choral music at Christa McAuliffe Elementary School in Hastings, MN. In addition, she is the Director of the Kodály Institute at the University of St. Thomas, where she teaches pedagogy courses Levels I and II, Folksong Analysis and Materials, and Kodály Master Class. Garner also taught on the Kodály faculty at Wichita State University.
Dan LeJeune is the middle school choral director at the Blake School in Hopkins, MN. Dan taught elementary and middle school vocal music in Maryland public schools for thirteen years. His choirs have performed for eight state, regional, and national professional music conferences. He has directed festival and honor choirs at the elementary and middle school levels in Oklahoma, Maryland, Virginia, and Minnesota.
Casey Barker teaches K-5 classroom music at Bluff Creek Elementary in Chanhassen, MN. She received her B.M. in vocal music education and her Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of St. Thomas. Casey serves on the board of the Kodály Chapter of Minnesota and will be teaching musicianship with the Kodály Institute at the University of St. Thomas.
Becca Buck is a K-5 music teacher in ISD 191 and lives in Minneapolis, MN. She received her Bachelor of Music in K-12 Vocal Music Education (2012) and Master of Arts in Music Education with a concentration in Kodály (2018) from the University of St. Thomas. As an adjunct faculty member, she instructs Folksong and Materials and Pedagogy courses.