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Eurhythmics Certification

Eurhythmics Certification

A certificate in Eurhythmics under the auspices of the American Eurhythmics Society (AES) can be earned by candidates meeting the required competencies in eurhythmics, solfege, piano improvisation, plastique animée, and teaching. Training for this certification is available through the University of St. Thomas' Dalcroze Musicianship course (GMUS 651).

Students standing in a circle holding balls over their heads and singing

Classes and Curriculum

The St. Thomas Master of Arts in Music Education curriculum features high quality education in the Dalcroze method, including eurhythmics, solfege, improvisation, and materials and methods. There are two Dalcroze courses offered: a 3-credit introductory course (GMUS 651), and a 1-credit advanced course (GMUS 544).

Students interested in eurhythmics certification at St. Thomas through the AES are encouraged to contact Dr. Kathy Thomsen regarding specific requirements. Dr. Thomsen can be reached via email at thom8668@stthomas.edu. More information can be found at the American Eurhythmics Society website.

Course Offerings

Raise the Bar

Browse the course catalog for full descriptions and to see all of your options for creating music and movement.

How to Register

New students should complete a non-degree application. Those with an inactive St. Thomas identification number should email music@stthomas.edu for registration instructions.

All current students with an active identification number register for courses through Murphy Online on OneStThomas.